Safe Cough

The creative geniuses behind a leading name in innovative companies, MacVrs Group, is ready to launch their one of kind germs spread stopper named “Safe Cough”™. Safe Cough is a lightweight, recyclable, compact filtering device which helps stop the spread of germs and other air borne viruses and bacteria associated with the common cold and influenza.

You simply wear it on your middle finger allowing the compact unit to rest inside your palm. Then, when you feel a cough coming on, you cough into the mouthpiece of Safe Cough™. Once your cough enters the unit, 99.9% of your germs will be divided through 100 air holes and filtered through an activated bamboo charcoal reduction filter (which are commonly used in air purifiers or a water bottle) that will ultimately result in safe, clean air exiting the SafeCough™.

When not in use, SafeCough™ just rests snug and comfortable on the inside of your palm, not interfering with any of your daily activities.

Check Out the Indiegogo Campaign.


Doctor Approved

An internationally recognized Family and Research Physician Dr. Marvin Heuer [M.D., F.A.A.F.P], presently the lead Physician at Disney World in Florida, states, " SafeCough™ can benefit anyone around the sufferers of contagious infections like flus/colds, if the sufferer uses it. Motivated by the fact that coughing can spread serious illness like flu and bronchitis. Minimizing transmission is the only sure way to prevent all types of viral and bacterial respiratory infections. Prevention is better than cure". 

How the unit Works

To use the unit you simply wear it on your middle finger allowing the compact unit to rest inside your palm. Then, when you feel a cough coming on…make sure to direct your cough into the mouthpiece on the Safe Cough™ unit.

Once your cough enters the unit, 99.9% of your germs will be divided through 100 air holes and filtered through a activated bamboo charcoal reduction filter (which are commonly used in air and water purifiers, just like the one you would find in your water cooler or water bottle) that will ultimately result in safe, clean air exiting the SafeCough™ unit from a lower vent away from your hands and face.

The SafeCough™ unit that contains and kills your germs, are disposable at your discretion. You will no longer be infecting others with your cough, so use of the SafeCough™ unit will be beneficial to everyone.

When not in use, SafeCough™ just rests snug and comfortable on the inside of your palm, not interfering with any of your daily activities.

Why should you use SafeCough™?  
• The common cold affects an estimated 72 million North Americans each year!
• Kids suffer from approximately 4 to 8 colds per year.
• 70% of the workforce population that was surveyed believes they have become ill just because a co-worker was coughing around them.

• 72% of passengers on a commercial flight showed symptoms of influenza that was spread by a single sick passenger that was coughing within a 4 hour period.
• Droplets expelled with a cough can travel up to 3 feet and linger in the air for 7 minutes…Safe Cough will contain these droplets!
• A cold virus can live on an inanimate object for up to 3 days, such as a desk or door handle.

• Teens catch more colds than older individuals because they haven’t developed all the anti-bodies to protect themselves yet!
• Use of lozenges in kids is strongly discouraged due to it being a choking hazard.
• Over half of the workforce population that was surveyed does not use cough syrup remedies at work due to their inconvenience and the potential of causing drowsiness.

         "A cleaner world is having SafeCough™ as common as a cup of coffee, relieving stress by containing   germs in a busy household".

We’re done with the initial design and are excited to green light production—we just need you!

We need your help to bring this vision of a cleaner, purer world to life. By helping to fund SafeCough™, you’ll not only be among the first to get this awesome filtering system, but you will also be supporting a cause.

We already envision many other products where cough suppression can make a practical impact in the world. The more we grow, the more people we can help by providing clean, healthy filtered air.

 We have other ideas on how to further develop the suppression of coughing By funding this project you not only fund Safecough™, but further our efforts into further developing product for suppression of coughing.

We know that we can do marvelous things with modern technology: (a project we are already working on with amazing initial results -allowing the user of any age to sleep through the night without coughing. What better way to get better than a good undisturbed night of deep sleep.

Your support today will help to make this planet a little bit healthier.

Check Out the Indiegogo Campaign.

Thank you!

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