Hair Extensions vs. Wigs: Which Is Better for Hair Loss?

While the majority of hair loss in men can be attributed to heredity, female hair loss occurs for a variety of reasons including polycystic ovary syndrome, iron deficiency, hormonal fluctuations, certain medical conditions, and harsh beauty treatments. In both men and women, hair loss can lead to feelings of embarrassment, inadequacy, and low self esteem. Fortunately, there are non-surgical options that can make your hair look full and thick once again.

Hair Extensions and Wigs: Options for Thinning Hair

Whenever anyone uses the word hairpiece, the mind tends to conjure up the horrific toupee or “rug” of the past. While those hairpieces were extremely noticeable, today’s hair systems are barely visible, even up close. This makes them a great option for anyone with thinning hair.

Hair extensions can be another way to mask thinning hair, but not everyone is a candidate for hair extensions. Let’s take a look at the differences:

Wigs and Hair Systems

Wigs and hair systems are great for everyone as they can be adapted to suit your individual needs. However, you must recreate your look each day with hair systems. If you don’t want to fuss with your hair everyday, extensions might be an option if your hair is strong enough.

Wigs are perfect for anyone, even those with very little hair. Hair systems are ideal for hiding thin spots. Common thin spots include the front hairline, crown, and temple area.

Hair Extensions

Unlike hair systems, extensions are affixed permanently to your hair by way of bonding (gluing) or weaving. Ideal for strong, undamaged hair, hair extensions work well when there is an overall thinning of the hair. For hair that is sparse or fragile in certain areas, extensions do not work well as they can cause breakage. Additionally, hair extensions cannot be placed on certain areas of the scalp where hair is fragile such as the hairline.

As you can see, there are many benefits associated with hair extensions and hair systems alike. However, no two people are the same. In some cases hair extensions are the better option, whereas wigs and hair systems might work better for others. If you want to see what option will work best for you, we will help.

About the Author

Genesis Hair Replacement specializes in matching individuals with the best non-surgical hair-restoration options available including wigs, hair systems, hair extensions, non-surgical skin grafts, and hair support treatments. Call us today to see which options are best for your unique situation.